Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Photo may at a premium, but it is very scary! people are dying, and their photographers emmys 2011

1989. Fire makes artificial respiration learned from a burning building child. Photographer Ron Olshwanger. emmys 2011 nominees Pulitzer Prize in 2007 René Baer (The Sacramento Bee) photo of a single mother and her son, play in the fight against cancer Pulitzer Prize in 2007 for a photo Oded Balilti opposition forces and residents of the West Bank Pulitzer Prize in 2005 Dianne Fitzmaurice (San Francisco Chronicle) for photo Iraqi boy nearly killed by the explosion of the Pulitzer Prize in 1976 for Stanley Forman series of photos of the Boston fire in 1975. Pulitzer Prize in 1968 Rocco Morabito photo "Kiss of Life", in which one worker saves another after shock Pulitzer Prize 1944. Earl Bunker photo head of the family, who had returned home in a small town in south-eastern Nebraska
not all
And why? Because we cherstveem us only death can make flinch. But to cry with joy - it is much better!
Photo may at a premium, but it is very scary! people are dying, and their photographers emmys 2011 nominees shoot ...
was the case, then descended photographer scrip because it does not help the child ... 1994. Kevin Carter photo dying of hunger and child watching him vulture.
think in these cases there is a boomerang? and if you pass by and do not pay attention to it will not be a boomerang?
The extreme. It is not necessary to pass by. It is not necessary to build the evil in the peak phase of human existence and give awards to his apostles. emmys 2011 nominees Exalting the heralds of evil, and our prize winners of this breed, emmys 2011 nominees we magnify evil. Welcome you should not shoot, it does not cost anything, does not bring glory. There is no need to do it. Now, if in one paragraph.
theoretically yes philosophically - definitely yes. but imagine an African village where the past 10 years, every Monday, killing one woman. all accustomed to such a tradition from the local ruler. but only one picture in the world raises a brawl on the ears becomes hundreds of organizations, who should be punished, the tradition is terminated. That's how it usually works. But for that would fall into the circulation of the photo must be very hard work. Because few people taken to print these photos ...
We went in a circle. I think I am and how I look at it, have said. So pumped egregore of evil. We have this universal phenomenon. Look around from this point and you will see this. Even take the holy of holies, and the net of the cleanest on the idea - knkurs children's emmys 2011 nominees drawings. Will see the same thing. emmys 2011 nominees
children is clearly not seen these photos ... your words reminded me of a story. she changed the boy, he learned from her diary. so female logic says himself to blame because diary read, and what it has changed so trifle. emmys 2011 nominees and with these photos ...
Where do the children and these photos? Camera emmys 2011 nominees is one story of the triumph emmys 2011 nominees of evil. Other children's drawings, taken by me at random, as primer.Vozmite any film festival, it's understandable if you will, and leave children alone. What anecdote reminds me of your logic, do not even remember.
It's so obvious. A trace is not necessary for them to shape our perception of reality. In the world there are many wonderful things that are waiting to be discovered. And they do not come to us. They chase around the world in trouble and corpses.
it's a little different naprvlenie. those who sit on the beautiful destinations vosnovnom to pull, whose sons then. poschёlkam, he was well paid, he lives as his bosom. there are many in each edition ... and look for those moments where the most life in the balance, it is quite another emmys 2011 nominees bread ...
I'm just trying to look at the problem slightly different angle. Look, when you look these photos, what you have there is a feeling? aggression or self-pity? say that these photos evoke humanity. there is still a theory that we live in a civilized society when its lowest link become civilized. and these photos on many influence ...
You are looking at the other end of the problem. That's it we are taught as truth, and it is false. This is a great conversation, emmys 2011 nominees which is rooted in the conceptual problems of our existence. So we understand each other badly.
Thank you friend!
Deserved reward! But, considering the different photos, wonder: emmys 2011 nominees only grief can dramatically lift? And where are the tears of joy and happiness?

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